Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Changes

Hello, world. Big changes are coming to Witedahlia at blogspot. As I mentioned previously, I will be importing Ghostblog to wordpress. As a result, this blog will be renamed WiteDahlia! That makes sense, in my opinion, given the web address. Then I will be importing all my Witedahlia girly/journal/whatever stuff into this blog. And voilĂ ! Things will make sense and perhaps even get done in a timely fashion. Of course, links will be supplied when the transfer actually occurs; I'm just giving everyone a heads up. It's been very frustrating not being able to get any work on ghostblog done and to just have this blog lying dormant. So, thanks for your patience, and get ready for change! (Change is good.)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

MIA me

I realize I haven't posted in a while and I wanted to drop a note to say what's up. I've been frustrated with my blogger settings; I can't make the dashboard do certain blah blah blah technical stuff. I'm thinking of importing this blog over to Wordpress, where I have several blogs and no technical difficulties. Wordpress assures me the transition will be painless, followers will be imported as well, so you won't have to do anything but get used to a new web address. I'll keep you updated. Until then, thanks for your patience.

Oh, and if you're jonesing for a Cielo fix I invite you to peruse my new blog HEAVENLY FRIENDS, dedicated to Sharon and company. Just follow this link:

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

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